Here at Ape Initiative, each bonobo has the choice to participate in daily training sessions. Husbandry training is great for improving the bonobos' welfare in multiple ways. First, every session serves to challenge each bonobo mentally as they try to understand what behavior is being asked of them. Additionally, these training opportunities are a great bonding time between our staff and the bonobos, deepening the level trust and respect necessary for them to work cooperatively. Most importantly, it allows the bonobos to be active participants in their own care. The majority of our training program revolves around veterinary procedures, like giving different body parts for physical examination. All of our bonobos are trained to present for ear temperature readings, echocardiograms, finger blood pressure readings, nebulization treatment, voluntary injection, and to have their weight taken. Giving them autonomy during these training sessions reduces stress often associated with medical procedures and is one more way our bonobos have choice in their daily lives!